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 Lost small, female, calico cat (Our little girl!!!)

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Number of posts : 1
Age : 36
Location : Evansville, IN
Registration date : 2009-06-28

Lost small, female, calico cat (Our little girl!!!) Empty
PostSubject: Lost small, female, calico cat (Our little girl!!!)   Lost small, female, calico cat (Our little girl!!!) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 8:00 pm

We lost our little girl behind the parking lot of McDonalds and the Best Western near where I-64 and 41 intersect. We are so devastated and will do anything to get her back, or at least to know she is safe.

She has a half-black and half-orange face with white paws and a white belly. She recently had a patch of fur shaved off her back for surgical purposes.

She is the sweetest little thing, but probably scared and hungry. Any information is much appreciated!!!!
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Lost small, female, calico cat (Our little girl!!!)
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